Ummm, FUN. So the single most exciting thing I have done in this world is share the Gospel of Jesus. Seriously it is as scary as I imagine sky diving would be, it is more terrifying than the Superman (a great big roller coaster)at Six Flags, and more exciting than I hope snowboarding will be. Jesus Christ is an incredibly touchy subject. In fact it is downright dangerous in most parts of the world. Here in America we are pretty protected from physical harm and most verbal, but somehow that doesn't seem to make it much easier.
I used to dread sharing the gospel and when my friends would encourage me to do it I would just copy whatever they said, or I would take the other approach and softly (ever so softly) share something that resembled the gospel but still palatable to most people (i.e the gospel minus real sin, real Jesus, real repentance and real faith). However the more I "shared the gospel" the more the Lord convicted my heart that I wasn't sharing the gospel nor did I personally understand the Gospel. Sad huh?
Well it is true. Now since the Lord changed my heart, I absolutely love to share the gospel. Now that doesn't mean that I am not scared. I have gotten so nervous before that I stuttered like it was a serious birth defect. I have shaken so hard that I couldn't write out a simple e-mail address. I still get scared. But there is nothing that is more wonderful than sharing the real state of man before a holy God, and the real grace that has been made available to us through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is a delight to share the change that God has made in my life. It is amazing how He has changed my desires, my loves, my motivations, my thoughts. What is more I know Him personally and He is CONTINUING to cleanse me from all my filth and sin! He is (according to Titus 2) "purifying unto Himself" a peculiar woman (I am sure you agree :-)), who is "zealous of good works." Yay!
Now there are several things that scare me initially from sharing. But the main reason I am scared is because I fear they will reject me and what I have to say. I fear they don't care and will not be changed. Sadly this is often the case. But one thing that God has taught me through two years now of sharing the gospel is this: Sharing the gospel isn't about the people that you are sharing with. Of course we should have compassion and love (without this the Scriptures say that we don't know God), and that is one reason to share, but it isn't the main reason. The main reason to share and the reason that will make every gospel sharing opportunity a joy whether the people hear you or scorn you is this: We should share the Truth of the Gospel out of obedience to Christ, and we should do it because it is our honor to be able to speak of what He has done for us.
The Lamb of God is indeed worthy of His reward, and He will receive that reward for all He has suffered. Through "preaching the gospel" God has allowed me to be a part (though the foolish part) of the redemption story of others. That is good and precious news!
There is another part to this that is kinda icky, sounds harsh and is overall distasteful to most of us. It is this: God is not only glorified by those with we share that repent but He is also glorified in those with whom we share that don't repent. *violent reaction here* :-)
I was struck with this fact when I was meditating on:
Isaiah 6:3 "...Holy, holy, holy, is the LORD of hosts: the whole earth [is] full of his glory."
I really struggled with the last part of this verse because I thought, "God we Christians hardly bring You glory, except in that which You do in us, let alone those in this world who reject You completely. So how can the earth be FULL of Your glory?". But as I thought about the verse, "the earth IS full of His glory", I knew that of course that had to be true. Everything had to glorify God in one way or another, at one time or another. Even when a person rejects the Lord, He is still glorified.
Jesus prayed "Father, glorify thy name. Then came there a voice from heaven, [saying], I have both glorified it, and will glorify it again." -John 12:28
God's name is glorified whether people like it or not. Of course God is glorified in the obedience of His children. In fact God is glorified in the fact that any of us can even be called His children. But God is glorified in the disobedience of sinners too. He is glorified either way, because the world doesn't run God, nor does it benevolently give Him things He desires (like glory). The world is under God's control. He was not surprised or perplexed by sin.
Isaiah 42:8 says, "I am the LORD: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images."
So through this I have learned not to be concerned with the reaction of people when I share the gospel, because God is glorified either way they respond to the Truth of His Word. This took a huge weight off of my shoulders and helped me to see how BIG (and that is unfortunately the best word I can think of now) God really is. His glory does not depend on me or on the people with whom I am sharing. Wow!
So I hope you get a chance to share the Gospel this week, and I hope that you don't worry about the response you get. I hope you will not worry about whether you can make that person glorify God as He should be glorified. After all His Word says:
"That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth, And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." Philippians 2:10-11
One day, all men will glorify Him whether they are His children or no, because He is worthy.
I hope you can enjoy just obeying the Lord in sharing the Truth, and enjoy the fact that you have a story of redemption to share. Hope everyone has a great week!
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
1 Corinthians 13; Charity
"Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. And though I have the figt of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing. Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, Doth not behave itself unseamly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; Rejoiceth not in iniquity but rejoiceth in the truth; Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things... "
-1 Corinthians 13:1-7
Today is Charity's (Tee) birthday. And for me it is such a joyful day, because God granted me SUCH a blessing on this day. Charity's middle name is Ruth and I think she was SO well named. Her name means Loving Friend... Chambers (not sure what that last name means. lol).
Charity suffereth Long and is Kind: Haha! I love this one! Charity has been long suffering and kind in our relationship. She has borne with me through thick and really really thin. Just sayin'. Through all my inconsistencies, hypocrisies, selfishness, pride, bossiness, and I am sure she could name others (so could I, but I will not), she has been a steadfast loving friend. While she is a good listener I have can always count on her telling me how things really are (truth). Right, Babe? (PS THANK YOU!) There are very few who could boast of such a friend, and fewer still who could be such a friend.
Charity envieth not: The opposite of envy seems to be encouragement. Desiring good for another person and helping them achieve that goal vs. wanting what they have for yourself. Charity is the opposite of envy. Not only does she encourage, but she supports others with her whole heart. I have never known anyone who can anticipate and meet the needs of others so well. Nor have I met a woman so thoughtful in supporting her friends and family. It is truly amazing.
Charity is not puffed up: Wow! This is true of her! She accepts and even expects correction. She takes it like a champ, and even seeks it out! She doesn't think her ideas are the best. She goes to the Word of God to check her ideas and her way of thinking. I so admire this about Charity, and I just thank the Lord for sending me such an example...
Charity doth not behave herself unseamly: She has worked diligently to make the most of the talents the Lord has given her, and to develop the talents/abilities that she needs, in order to be a more faithful servant of God. She has certainly behaved herself in a way that honors not just her family and friends but most importantly her God. Which brings me to the next point. Side note: I LOVE her writings, and speaches. Absolutely life changing stuff!
Charity seeketh not her own: I know Charity pretty well (at least I think I do) and I have known a lot of her personal dreams. Some have changed over the years but some haven't. There is one thing that has changed over the years though and for it I praise God for His work in her. Charity has laid down her own goals that seem like they would bring her both comfort and happiness and has instead chosen the true happiness that is found in obedience to God. She has chosen the difficult and uncertain road, she has decided to put her trust in Christ and live and work for Him. She used to like to speak because she was good at it and because she knew her ideas were very intelligent and well thought out. But I have seen that change. She now speaks to challenge her hearers to serve the Lord, to convict them of God's law, she speaks that God may be lifted up, and man might know his rightful place as the servants of the most high God. Her ideas now are not her own but she goes to the Scripture for their foundation. Truth is now her focus, not her own way, or ideas.
Charity is not easily provoked: Here is another thing that I have seen change in Charity. She no longer picks fights just to fight. She does not seek a fight, nor does she back down when one is brought to her. This is a beautiful balance I think. She has also become better at communicating in an argument. She doesn't get shrill; there is a beautiful peacefulness that comes from her ideas and positions being grounded in THE TRUTH.
Thinketh no evil: I was amazed when after she found out who stole her phone she began praying for the girl and for God's mercy on her. That wasn't what I was thinking of doing at that moment, I'll confess. :-/
Rejoiceth not in iniquity but rejoiceth in the truth: Oh if I could tell you all the times that I have enjoyed amazing fellowship with Charity over the Word of God! Thank you, thank you, thank you God for this! She is gets so cute while she explains a verse! Sometimes she can't get all the words out and so she taps the table and smiles ear to ear. She truly delights in the Lord, and it is SO FUN!! I love hearing her tell about what God showed her. "Ohhhhh! It was so good! Oh. Oh. Oh. It was just ammmmmazing!"
Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, believeth all things... So she is pretty amazing isn't she? PRAISE God He is going to continue purifying her heart and mind until He calls her to heaven. Ahh, the greatest thing in this life is salvation, and the fact that this woman will one day be presented before Gods throne purified! Sanctification and the fact that God will continue His amazing work in her life is perhaps the most exciting thing about her birthday. I know she will be victoriously growing closer and closer to the Lord every day she lives, whether she live one more year or sixty more, because Christ is victorious. Praise God for this life! This life is good because God is good!
Hope and I love to joke about the last part of this chapter but we change a couple of the words for it to work right: And now abides grace, hope and charity, but the greatest of these is Charity (until its Hopes Birthday anyway). Thanks be to God for our Loving Friend!
-1 Corinthians 13:1-7
Today is Charity's (Tee) birthday. And for me it is such a joyful day, because God granted me SUCH a blessing on this day. Charity's middle name is Ruth and I think she was SO well named. Her name means Loving Friend... Chambers (not sure what that last name means. lol).
Charity suffereth Long and is Kind: Haha! I love this one! Charity has been long suffering and kind in our relationship. She has borne with me through thick and really really thin. Just sayin'. Through all my inconsistencies, hypocrisies, selfishness, pride, bossiness, and I am sure she could name others (so could I, but I will not), she has been a steadfast loving friend. While she is a good listener I have can always count on her telling me how things really are (truth). Right, Babe? (PS THANK YOU!) There are very few who could boast of such a friend, and fewer still who could be such a friend.
Charity envieth not: The opposite of envy seems to be encouragement. Desiring good for another person and helping them achieve that goal vs. wanting what they have for yourself. Charity is the opposite of envy. Not only does she encourage, but she supports others with her whole heart. I have never known anyone who can anticipate and meet the needs of others so well. Nor have I met a woman so thoughtful in supporting her friends and family. It is truly amazing.
Charity is not puffed up: Wow! This is true of her! She accepts and even expects correction. She takes it like a champ, and even seeks it out! She doesn't think her ideas are the best. She goes to the Word of God to check her ideas and her way of thinking. I so admire this about Charity, and I just thank the Lord for sending me such an example...
Charity doth not behave herself unseamly: She has worked diligently to make the most of the talents the Lord has given her, and to develop the talents/abilities that she needs, in order to be a more faithful servant of God. She has certainly behaved herself in a way that honors not just her family and friends but most importantly her God. Which brings me to the next point. Side note: I LOVE her writings, and speaches. Absolutely life changing stuff!
Charity seeketh not her own: I know Charity pretty well (at least I think I do) and I have known a lot of her personal dreams. Some have changed over the years but some haven't. There is one thing that has changed over the years though and for it I praise God for His work in her. Charity has laid down her own goals that seem like they would bring her both comfort and happiness and has instead chosen the true happiness that is found in obedience to God. She has chosen the difficult and uncertain road, she has decided to put her trust in Christ and live and work for Him. She used to like to speak because she was good at it and because she knew her ideas were very intelligent and well thought out. But I have seen that change. She now speaks to challenge her hearers to serve the Lord, to convict them of God's law, she speaks that God may be lifted up, and man might know his rightful place as the servants of the most high God. Her ideas now are not her own but she goes to the Scripture for their foundation. Truth is now her focus, not her own way, or ideas.
Charity is not easily provoked: Here is another thing that I have seen change in Charity. She no longer picks fights just to fight. She does not seek a fight, nor does she back down when one is brought to her. This is a beautiful balance I think. She has also become better at communicating in an argument. She doesn't get shrill; there is a beautiful peacefulness that comes from her ideas and positions being grounded in THE TRUTH.
Thinketh no evil: I was amazed when after she found out who stole her phone she began praying for the girl and for God's mercy on her. That wasn't what I was thinking of doing at that moment, I'll confess. :-/
Rejoiceth not in iniquity but rejoiceth in the truth: Oh if I could tell you all the times that I have enjoyed amazing fellowship with Charity over the Word of God! Thank you, thank you, thank you God for this! She is gets so cute while she explains a verse! Sometimes she can't get all the words out and so she taps the table and smiles ear to ear. She truly delights in the Lord, and it is SO FUN!! I love hearing her tell about what God showed her. "Ohhhhh! It was so good! Oh. Oh. Oh. It was just ammmmmazing!"
Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, believeth all things... So she is pretty amazing isn't she? PRAISE God He is going to continue purifying her heart and mind until He calls her to heaven. Ahh, the greatest thing in this life is salvation, and the fact that this woman will one day be presented before Gods throne purified! Sanctification and the fact that God will continue His amazing work in her life is perhaps the most exciting thing about her birthday. I know she will be victoriously growing closer and closer to the Lord every day she lives, whether she live one more year or sixty more, because Christ is victorious. Praise God for this life! This life is good because God is good!
Hope and I love to joke about the last part of this chapter but we change a couple of the words for it to work right: And now abides grace, hope and charity, but the greatest of these is Charity (until its Hopes Birthday anyway). Thanks be to God for our Loving Friend!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
"Know ye that the Lord he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people and the sheep of his pasture." Psalm 100:3
From verse and some others from John 10 and Titus 2 God is teaching me about ownership. I always knew that when I finally did give my life to Him I gave it all to Him, but since that time there are different areas that I have begun again to reserve for myself. Which actually is a funny thought considering...
" To him (talking about Christ) the porter openeth; and the sheep hear his voice; and he calleth HIS OWN sheep by name, and leadeth them out. And when he putteth forth HIS OWN sheep, he goeth before them, and the sheep follow him for they know his voice." John 10: 3-4 (emphasis mine :-))
"Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ; Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify UNTO HIMSELF a peculiar people, zealous of good works." - Titus 2: 13-14
"What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost [which is] in you, which ye have of God, and ye are NOT YOUR OWN? " - 1 Corinthians 6:19
So to make a long post really short... I belong to God. Lock, stock and barrel. Plans, things, time, money, mind, heart and soul, there is nothing that is mine. But I have to remember this everyday and recognize His Lordship over me. It is so easy for me to forget! I think this is what Paul was talking about when he was saying that he had to die daily. And death in this sense is actually a really happy thing! Because our corrected relationship with God Almighty, "the great God, and our Savior Jesus Christ" is worth our life and all that we possess, however great or small it is.
"Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field; the which when a man hath found, he hideth, and for joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that field. "
Matthew 13:44
"Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls: Who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it."
Matthew 13: 44-45
"It will be worth it all! When we see Jesus!"
From verse and some others from John 10 and Titus 2 God is teaching me about ownership. I always knew that when I finally did give my life to Him I gave it all to Him, but since that time there are different areas that I have begun again to reserve for myself. Which actually is a funny thought considering...
" To him (talking about Christ) the porter openeth; and the sheep hear his voice; and he calleth HIS OWN sheep by name, and leadeth them out. And when he putteth forth HIS OWN sheep, he goeth before them, and the sheep follow him for they know his voice." John 10: 3-4 (emphasis mine :-))
"Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ; Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify UNTO HIMSELF a peculiar people, zealous of good works." - Titus 2: 13-14
"What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost [which is] in you, which ye have of God, and ye are NOT YOUR OWN? " - 1 Corinthians 6:19
So to make a long post really short... I belong to God. Lock, stock and barrel. Plans, things, time, money, mind, heart and soul, there is nothing that is mine. But I have to remember this everyday and recognize His Lordship over me. It is so easy for me to forget! I think this is what Paul was talking about when he was saying that he had to die daily. And death in this sense is actually a really happy thing! Because our corrected relationship with God Almighty, "the great God, and our Savior Jesus Christ" is worth our life and all that we possess, however great or small it is.
"Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field; the which when a man hath found, he hideth, and for joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that field. "
Matthew 13:44
"Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls: Who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it."
Matthew 13: 44-45
"It will be worth it all! When we see Jesus!"
Monday, January 11, 2010
Chaste Converstation?
“For there is not a word in my tongue, but, lo, O LORD, thou knowest it altogether.” –Psalm 139:4 All week long I have been hearing about gossip from the Pastor, friends, bible study group leader, and of course the Bible itself! I don’t know if a lot of other women struggle with guarding their mouths as I do, but just in case...
This is SUCH a convicting subject I have been putting it off for several days. It is even painful to type this out! :-) Anyway, we women, who are servants of SUCH a good and great God have got to be women who act like it, in the way that we use our minds and our mouths. We have to stop the gossip and the “busy-body” stuff. The only way to stop it from spilling out is to ask the Lord to purify our conversation, to change our hearts and our minds about gossip and other people’s affairs that shouldn't concern us. I know it hurts to hear that, but it does not hurt nearly as much as it does to write it. Seriously ladies, especially young ladies, God is right! There are so many other GREAT things that we could be doing that bring glory and honor to our LORD with our minds and with our mouths. So here are a few Scriptures and definitions and I will leave it at that, unless someone really wants to dig deeper and point out something else about gossip and or busy body-ness... There is a TON in the Scripture about it that I can't even go into at the moment. So feel free to add to this if you are so inclined.
MOUTH: “But no one can tame the tongue… from the same mouth come both blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to be this way. (James 3:8-10)
Tame tongue: One that is brought under submission to the “bit and bridle” of the Word of God. One that is directed by and obedient to the Highest Authority. What does that look like? I wondered the same thing.
“And my tongue shall speak of thy righteousness and of thy praise all the day long.” Psalm 35:28
“The mouth of the righteous speaketh wisdom, and his tongue talketh of judgment.” Psalm 37:20
Un-tame tongue: That looks like my tongue. :-) My tongue speaks my mind, and that is why it gets so nastay! It relishes in passing information about others. It is idle, hurtful, inconsiderate, and separates good friends. My mouth is guilty of meddling in others affairs where my help was not sought, needed, or helpful. My tongue is guilty of destroying, breaking down, and piercing others. In other words, and for lack of better ones: My tongue is SIN FULL. I know that sounds aweful, but unfortunately it goes deeper and gets worse…
HEART: “Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel; But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price."1 Peter 3:3-4
Definition of meek and quiet spirit: I think the best definition is given in the verse that comes after these few verses above. Verse six describes Sara, Abraham’s wife, who did possess a meek and quiet spirit.
This is SUCH a convicting subject I have been putting it off for several days. It is even painful to type this out! :-) Anyway, we women, who are servants of SUCH a good and great God have got to be women who act like it, in the way that we use our minds and our mouths. We have to stop the gossip and the “busy-body” stuff. The only way to stop it from spilling out is to ask the Lord to purify our conversation, to change our hearts and our minds about gossip and other people’s affairs that shouldn't concern us. I know it hurts to hear that, but it does not hurt nearly as much as it does to write it. Seriously ladies, especially young ladies, God is right! There are so many other GREAT things that we could be doing that bring glory and honor to our LORD with our minds and with our mouths. So here are a few Scriptures and definitions and I will leave it at that, unless someone really wants to dig deeper and point out something else about gossip and or busy body-ness... There is a TON in the Scripture about it that I can't even go into at the moment. So feel free to add to this if you are so inclined.
MOUTH: “But no one can tame the tongue… from the same mouth come both blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to be this way. (James 3:8-10)
Tame tongue: One that is brought under submission to the “bit and bridle” of the Word of God. One that is directed by and obedient to the Highest Authority. What does that look like? I wondered the same thing.
“And my tongue shall speak of thy righteousness and of thy praise all the day long.” Psalm 35:28
“The mouth of the righteous speaketh wisdom, and his tongue talketh of judgment.” Psalm 37:20
Un-tame tongue: That looks like my tongue. :-) My tongue speaks my mind, and that is why it gets so nastay! It relishes in passing information about others. It is idle, hurtful, inconsiderate, and separates good friends. My mouth is guilty of meddling in others affairs where my help was not sought, needed, or helpful. My tongue is guilty of destroying, breaking down, and piercing others. In other words, and for lack of better ones: My tongue is SIN FULL. I know that sounds aweful, but unfortunately it goes deeper and gets worse…
HEART: “Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel; But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price."1 Peter 3:3-4
Definition of meek and quiet spirit: I think the best definition is given in the verse that comes after these few verses above. Verse six describes Sara, Abraham’s wife, who did possess a meek and quiet spirit.
"Even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord: whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any amazement." -1 Peter 3:6
Meekness and a quiet spirit are obedience (which is proper submission to God and therefore the authorities He has placed in our lives) and a lack of fear (which comes by faith/trust in God). Overall it looks quite content. It is content in God’s Sovereignty in where He has chosen to place it as far as its own life and business goes. It is content (and finds it’s happiness/delight/fun) in God, Himself. Boy, that sounds like a real woman, does it not? Beautiful (!) and we don't even have to see what she is wearing. :-)
This meek and quiet spirit has not been my own, but I do repent for the way I have used my mouth and mind in the past. I am grateful to the Lord for showing me the way that is right. He is so worthy of chaste conversation that reflects His redeeming work in my life. From here on out I will seek to be accountable not only to you, my friends, but also to a specific spiritual mentor who will help me pursue pure conversation that exalts my Savior!
God bless you! May you enjoy pure conversation and thoughts today as you continue to pursue Christ with all your heart!
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Time is up!
Why is there such thing as time? I don't usually ask such DEEP questions. :-) I once heard a pastor say that we such a thing as money to show our heart, and to show the world that there is Someone who is more important than money. I think the same is true of time. We have such a thing as time to show that Christ is more important than time.
I have been really crying out to God to show me how to be a real woman. :-) Right away He opened up an opportunity for me to join an Bible study where I met several real women. They convicted me so badly with just their daily schedule. Believe it or not their schedule showed their submission to Christ! I was shocked... and just a little annoyed. Didn't like the idea of this lesson.
The problem:
I have never been a schedule person because they frustrate me so badly when I can't get them done right and in order. Not having a schedule to keep seemed to free me up, and in a way that is true. You are much freer to do things spur of the moment. That being said my not having a schedule has really been bad for me too. I have lost discipline and lost time. I haven't accomplished tasks that were very important, I have lost money, and I have compromised trading valuable time for invaluable things.
"See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, Redeeming the time, because the days are evil." Ephesians 5:15-16
No, those days are leaving... Submission to God in the orderly and disciplined use of time is coming. There can be no other way. BUT what happens when my plans are frustrated... because that does happen every day. Things come up. And if I know myself and I think I do, I am going to be super frustrated, and I will want to give up.
First: "Commit your work to the Lord , and your plans will be established. " Proverbs 16:3
I need to make sure that the plans I have made are ones that God would have me make. They need to be in accordance with what He has already shown me and will show me delights Him. This way when my plans are interrupted I will have a good idea of whether to go with the flow or hold fast to the schedule. I think they call this straightening out my priorities.
Secondly: "Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand." Proverbs 19:21
I need to surrender my plans to Him everyday, this will not always mean abandoning my schedule, sometimes when things come up I will have to choose the schedule over the interruption (ie. Discipline). Deciding between sticking with the schedule or overriding it, requires God. That is where my relationship with Christ, my dependence and commitment to Him comes in. He will provide the wisdom I need to make the decisions I need to make.
Lastly: WORK! Discipline. I already know what things have to go, and I am already wishing I didn't have to. But! No one said it would be easy or that I would think it was fun... at least not yet. When I gave up TV, I wasn't sorry. So likely, by and by, I will not miss these things either.
Submission to Christ and His plans for day to day living are part of what makes a girl a woman. The discipline is glorifying God part. I get to make decisions moment by moment that show the world that Christ is more valuable than even the most precious resource we have (time).
Times up! Have to go! :-)
I have been really crying out to God to show me how to be a real woman. :-) Right away He opened up an opportunity for me to join an Bible study where I met several real women. They convicted me so badly with just their daily schedule. Believe it or not their schedule showed their submission to Christ! I was shocked... and just a little annoyed. Didn't like the idea of this lesson.
The problem:
I have never been a schedule person because they frustrate me so badly when I can't get them done right and in order. Not having a schedule to keep seemed to free me up, and in a way that is true. You are much freer to do things spur of the moment. That being said my not having a schedule has really been bad for me too. I have lost discipline and lost time. I haven't accomplished tasks that were very important, I have lost money, and I have compromised trading valuable time for invaluable things.
"See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, Redeeming the time, because the days are evil." Ephesians 5:15-16
No, those days are leaving... Submission to God in the orderly and disciplined use of time is coming. There can be no other way. BUT what happens when my plans are frustrated... because that does happen every day. Things come up. And if I know myself and I think I do, I am going to be super frustrated, and I will want to give up.
First: "Commit your work to the Lord , and your plans will be established. " Proverbs 16:3
I need to make sure that the plans I have made are ones that God would have me make. They need to be in accordance with what He has already shown me and will show me delights Him. This way when my plans are interrupted I will have a good idea of whether to go with the flow or hold fast to the schedule. I think they call this straightening out my priorities.
Secondly: "Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand." Proverbs 19:21
I need to surrender my plans to Him everyday, this will not always mean abandoning my schedule, sometimes when things come up I will have to choose the schedule over the interruption (ie. Discipline). Deciding between sticking with the schedule or overriding it, requires God. That is where my relationship with Christ, my dependence and commitment to Him comes in. He will provide the wisdom I need to make the decisions I need to make.
Lastly: WORK! Discipline. I already know what things have to go, and I am already wishing I didn't have to. But! No one said it would be easy or that I would think it was fun... at least not yet. When I gave up TV, I wasn't sorry. So likely, by and by, I will not miss these things either.
Submission to Christ and His plans for day to day living are part of what makes a girl a woman. The discipline is glorifying God part. I get to make decisions moment by moment that show the world that Christ is more valuable than even the most precious resource we have (time).
Times up! Have to go! :-)
Monday, January 4, 2010
Faithful and Big
2 Samuel 22:31 "As for God, his way is perfect; the word of the LORD is tried: he is a buckler to all them that trust in him."
Twenty-ten! Are you kidding me? I feel like a little kid getting ready to ride the Superman rollercoaster at Six Flags. You know the feeling of being forced into a seat, all too near the front, by a pushing, anxious crowd? I can just see myself being strapped into that seat and nervously waiting for it all to start. Just when I've talked myself into a calm-ish state and feel somewhat prepared for the trip ahead the floor drops out from under your feet. That is when it gets interesting.
Staring into the face of year 2010 would not be possible for me if it were not for two truths. Though when you see which truths I am talking about you might laugh because they are so basic, but for me they seem to need constant reinforcement, constant testing and rehashing. Going through year 2010 will not be possible for me if I do not hold onto these truths for dear life, as I might cling to the harness or buckle in a rollercoaster.
The first securing truth: God's faithfulness to me in the past, and His promise of faithfulness in the future.
Jude 1:24-25 "Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen."
The fact that God is faithful and will be faithful is the grace that gives me the strength/grace to be faithful to Him as well. Christ's faithfulness (in sanctification) to present me faultless before God Almighty and All Holy. In God's faithfulness to receive of my life glory and honor gives me so much peace that I can actually enjoy the sanctification process. I cannot ruin His plans. I cannot ruin His glory. YAY!!!! By the mercy and grace of God, by the reality of HIS faithfulness I can be faithful in laying down my life, my greatest desires, my most treasured friendships, possesions and aspirations for the glory of this faithful King.
" I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service." - Romans 12:1
Ahh, that hits close to home. Reasonable service. It gets me everytime. Yes, it is my reasonable service, and I am delighted to do it in light of so great a Salvation,and so great a God. Which brings me to the other securing truth.
The fact that God's plans cannot be frustrated. They cannot be stopped by me nor can they be stopped by someone else.
Psalm 135: 5-7 " For I know that the LORD is great, and that our Lord is above all gods. Whatever the LORD pleases, he does, in heaven and on earth, in the sease and all the deeps. He it is who makes the clouds rise at the end of the earth, who makes lightnings for the rain and brings forth the wind from his storehouses."
I used to think that I was a great believer in God's Soveriegnty. ("He that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall") I remember saying, "I just can't fellowship with this person because they don't believe in the Sovereignty of God!" At least this person is honest about their unbelief, because when "push came to shove" I obviously didn't believe in the Sovereignty of God either. I have been so fearful to make a decision, and fearful about the decisions and actions of other people that will directly affect me. I allowed this sin full reign and made it a comfy place in my heart. So proud... So proud to think that others or that I could frustrate Gods plans. So selfish to serve my plans instead of the Lord. So unfaithful and idolitrious to behave as a victum in the hand of a little god (my own creation). So vile to rebel against those laws and governors that God has placed in my life to instruct and direct me. Wow. God's grace must be very very great! I have found myself crying several times, Oh WRETCHED MAN THAT I AM!!! Thank God, for Jesus Christ, who is a GREAT Savior. For by His greatness I have hope!
Do you know what makes a rollercoaster fun? The buckle. I garuntee you, they would not be fun if I couldn't be strapped in securely. I love roller coasters, and I feel certain that as a servant of this Faithful and Soveriegn God I will love year 2010 complete with its twists, turns, dips, and speed. It is in His hands and He is my buckler.
" I am God. and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me, declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things not yet done, saying, 'My cousnel shall stand, and I will accomplish all my purpose.'" - Isaiah 46:9-10
Twenty-ten! Are you kidding me? I feel like a little kid getting ready to ride the Superman rollercoaster at Six Flags. You know the feeling of being forced into a seat, all too near the front, by a pushing, anxious crowd? I can just see myself being strapped into that seat and nervously waiting for it all to start. Just when I've talked myself into a calm-ish state and feel somewhat prepared for the trip ahead the floor drops out from under your feet. That is when it gets interesting.
Staring into the face of year 2010 would not be possible for me if it were not for two truths. Though when you see which truths I am talking about you might laugh because they are so basic, but for me they seem to need constant reinforcement, constant testing and rehashing. Going through year 2010 will not be possible for me if I do not hold onto these truths for dear life, as I might cling to the harness or buckle in a rollercoaster.
The first securing truth: God's faithfulness to me in the past, and His promise of faithfulness in the future.
Jude 1:24-25 "Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen."
The fact that God is faithful and will be faithful is the grace that gives me the strength/grace to be faithful to Him as well. Christ's faithfulness (in sanctification) to present me faultless before God Almighty and All Holy. In God's faithfulness to receive of my life glory and honor gives me so much peace that I can actually enjoy the sanctification process. I cannot ruin His plans. I cannot ruin His glory. YAY!!!! By the mercy and grace of God, by the reality of HIS faithfulness I can be faithful in laying down my life, my greatest desires, my most treasured friendships, possesions and aspirations for the glory of this faithful King.
" I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service." - Romans 12:1
Ahh, that hits close to home. Reasonable service. It gets me everytime. Yes, it is my reasonable service, and I am delighted to do it in light of so great a Salvation,and so great a God. Which brings me to the other securing truth.
The fact that God's plans cannot be frustrated. They cannot be stopped by me nor can they be stopped by someone else.
Psalm 135: 5-7 " For I know that the LORD is great, and that our Lord is above all gods. Whatever the LORD pleases, he does, in heaven and on earth, in the sease and all the deeps. He it is who makes the clouds rise at the end of the earth, who makes lightnings for the rain and brings forth the wind from his storehouses."
I used to think that I was a great believer in God's Soveriegnty. ("He that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall") I remember saying, "I just can't fellowship with this person because they don't believe in the Sovereignty of God!" At least this person is honest about their unbelief, because when "push came to shove" I obviously didn't believe in the Sovereignty of God either. I have been so fearful to make a decision, and fearful about the decisions and actions of other people that will directly affect me. I allowed this sin full reign and made it a comfy place in my heart. So proud... So proud to think that others or that I could frustrate Gods plans. So selfish to serve my plans instead of the Lord. So unfaithful and idolitrious to behave as a victum in the hand of a little god (my own creation). So vile to rebel against those laws and governors that God has placed in my life to instruct and direct me. Wow. God's grace must be very very great! I have found myself crying several times, Oh WRETCHED MAN THAT I AM!!! Thank God, for Jesus Christ, who is a GREAT Savior. For by His greatness I have hope!
Do you know what makes a rollercoaster fun? The buckle. I garuntee you, they would not be fun if I couldn't be strapped in securely. I love roller coasters, and I feel certain that as a servant of this Faithful and Soveriegn God I will love year 2010 complete with its twists, turns, dips, and speed. It is in His hands and He is my buckler.
" I am God. and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me, declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things not yet done, saying, 'My cousnel shall stand, and I will accomplish all my purpose.'" - Isaiah 46:9-10
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