Saturday, February 27, 2010

My dear, dear professor.

So I will admit that I think my professor, who is an athiest, is pretty funny. But the more I think about what he says and the way he thinks I realize that there are still athieistic views and beliefs in my heart. So when God shows me this, my laughing stops right then and there. As I am sure you can imagine... :-)

My Professor was talking about Martin Luther and praising him (I know! I so surprised that he would speak favorably of Martin Luther)for encouraging everyone to read the Bible themselves. I was thinking, "Are you serious? You like the fact that he did that?" But as I listened further I realized what the Professor was actually saying. I no longer felt sorry for the Professor, I felt sorry for Martin Luther. If he had heard my Professor he would have rolled over in his grave. The longer I thought on this subject the more I realized that Martin Luther might roll over in his grave at the way I read the Bible too. Eeek, not exactly a pleasant thought.

My Professor went on to say that religion is what each person wants it to be, and that Martin Luther wanted all people to read the Bible for themselves and interpret it as they saw fit. First off, this is entirely consistent with an athiests view of God... or the lack of God. If God isn't a person, "His" Words don't have any meaning and therefore can be interpreted in any way by anyone. But on the other hand since God is a person is it not ridiculous to think that He would write down words but have no exact meaning. Of course it is! Neither you nor I would ever speak like that. We only speak words to convey to another what we are thinking.

I only mention this because I myself have been tempted to take (and have taken) the athiestic approach to the Scriptures as the Professor was encouraging. Ah, renewing of the mind and repentance are just a constant need with me. Anyway, does anyone ever talk and not have a point or a meaning to what they are saying? The truth is that we MEANT something by the words we spoke, and it is the persons job, to whom we are speaking, to interpret us correctly. (I also have to say that this analogy breaks down where people do, in that we cannot so beautifully, and brilliantly write our ideas, nor preserve them as God does. Neither are our words so worthy of diligent study as to the intent.) But I have to say that in my own heart I have approached the Scriptures as my Professor, as an athiest. I have gone to it with my own ideas of what I want it to hear God say. I have not always approached it "God, what do YOU mean by this. These are your words, what is Your meaning?" Why not? Because if God is God and I do understand His meaning then I will have to do it, right? Yes, there is rebellion. Most often I don't "understand" passages that I don't really want to understand. Lastly there is a scripture that testifies against me and against my Professor. For this I know Martin Luther must praise God. :-) 2 Peter 1:20 "Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation." In other words, "God is a real being. His Word has a specific meaning."

But I can't understand it? Well there are a lot of us who struggle with the word of God, but it isn't because it isn't clear in it's meaning, nor is it true that there are things about our life and godliness that God doesn't address or let us know His opinion on (boy, I have heard that a lot.). There are several reasons we "don't understand" the Scripture. It could be that we, as I mentioned before the sin of rebellion in our heart, and that makes it impossible for us to accept what He is saying. Another big reason I have found that I misinterpret Scripture is because of apathy, in that I don't take it in context. I just pull out verses here and there, hoping that it will line up with the way I am thinking. This is why it is imperitive that we study thoroughly the whole Word of God and continue to study it. Another reason that we might not understand some Scripture could be that the Lord does not want to show us His meaning at this time. If the whole Bible were revealed to me at once, I am convinced I would explode. So God is merciful in His revelation of His meaning. But also it is good for me to remember that it is God who reveals His Word to me and has promised that the Holy Spirit will guide us in all truth (John 16:13).

So all that long post to say this:

His Words do have meaning, and He means for me to know it His meaning.

Dueteronomy 5:24 "And ye said, Behold, the LORD our God hath shewed us his glory and his greatness, and we have heard his voice out of the midst of the fire: we have seen this day that God doth talk with man, and he liveth." *Beautiful Chapter about the glory of God and the power of His person, and words.

1 comment:

  1. Amen, Grace. I know that I have also been guilty of doing the same thing. Thanks for an excellent reminder!!
