Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Challenge

Last night someone challenged me to do every thing today just for Jesus. She knows that people pleasing is a huge temptation for me. She challenged me to do everything even down to brushing my teeth and exercising, just for Him. I have a lot to do today, but I am going to try to take on this challenge. I know I need Christ to be my focus. But it reminds me of what Jesus said to the disciples when they were constantly falling asleep instead of praying, (Matt. 26:41) "...the spirit indeed is willing but the flesh is weak." Like... really weak.

My friend told me that sanctification is like salvation. It isn't something I do, it is a gift that comes from God. I was like "Oh right! and all this time I have been trying to squeeze it out of myself! What a relief!"

I am excited because God is real and alive! I am excited because I see that in continuing hard after my relationship with Him, He will be able to change me little by little. If He is my goal, and my complete focus then I will be as easy to mold as wet clay. I can't wait for those strong loving, Fatherly hands continue their work on this lump. There is so much for Him to do. :-)

In Matthew, whenever Jesus asked the Pharisee's, they never could answer the way they wanted to because they were so afraid of what the people would think of them. And in this way it kept them from knowing their error which kept them from knowing Christ for who He was. I don't want to be like that anymore, and I don't have to be. Praise God!

Knowing that my flesh and naturally doesn't want to do what God wants it to, I also know that I have a great Savior who wants to work with it. I can be happy, even though I have so much that needs to be changed, He isn't going to leave me, He is going to work with me until I am finished (Phil. 1:6). Until then I will not be perfect and don't have to pretend to be. I can tell people what I am thinking and God can use them to correct me.

Already people have corrected me:

- They have corrected me for pride (oh yes, ouch! This was so painful, but I so needed to hear it.)

- They have corrected me for laziness, and ill pursuit of interests. (productivity low level light is on, big time.)

- and for Double mindedness (God help me! This is so true of me. Please, can this be something you can make a strength, Lord? :-))

I am sure I will get a chance to write about these things later. Thanks for reading!

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